Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Who Do You Say That I Am?

Christ PantocratorThis is the question Jesus asks his disciples in this Sunday's Gospel. In a similar way, you are being asked the same question when you take up the task of writing invocations for the penitential rite. Who is Jesus for you? Describe Christ for your community? Why is the Son of God important for the world? When you write these invocations, you are putting into words the indescribable relationship between God and God's people through Christ. You are expressing a "christology"--a way of describing, understanding, and knowing Christ. But theology must always start from one's faith, otherwise it's just academic knowledge.

As you practice writing invocations, begin first with prayer and meditative reflection upon the readings. Then ask yourself these questions:

  • How do I know Christ? Where and in whom do I encounter Christ?
  • Why is Christ important today? for my parish? for our children? for the marginalized? for the poor?
  • What are some reasons to give praise to Christ? in my life? in my parish's life? in the world?
  • What hurts have been healed? What broken relationships have been mended? What sins have been forgiven? What gives me hope?

Then from out of this spirit of thanksgiving and praise, write your invocations. This exercise may also be a good faith-sharing tool for small groups and families. From the group's reflections, the one responsible for writing the invocations can be inspired and the invocations can be a more authentic confession of praise of the whole community.


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