Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Chrism Mass - Parish Representatives for Oils

To assist with the blessing of oils at the Chrism Mass on March 15, 2005, 7:30p at the Cathedral, each parish and institution that reserves Holy Oils is asked to send three representatives to present the oils for blessing during the Mass. They should be selected in advance for this responsibility and be at the Cathedral by 6:45p on March 15.

It is appropriate to choose those who represent some link to the oil to be blessed, for example:
  • Oil of the Sick: A minister to the sick, elderly, or hospitalized; a parishioner who was anointed in the last year; a person preparing for surgery or dealing with illness; a bereavement minister.

  • Oil of Catechumens: A parish catechumenate team member; a catechist working in baptismal preparation of infants; a sponsor of a catechumen or godparent of an Elect; parents preparing to baptize their infant.

  • Sacred Chrism: A neophyte initiated at last year’s Easter Vigil; a candidate for Confirmation; a catechist working in Confirmation preparation; an "Elect" (adult preparing for Baptism at this year’s Easter Vigil); a candidate for ordination; a parishioner working on the dedication of a church or altar.

To ensure that enough seats are reserved for those presenting the oils, please confirm that your parish or institution will be participating at the Chrism Mass by notifying Sandra Pacheco at Pacheco@dsj.org or 408-983-0126. Please include the name of your parish or institution in your message.

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