Monday, March 21, 2005

Special Intercession for Good Friday

Each Triduum, Bishop Patrick J. McGrath offers a special intercession during the Good Friday liturgy. This year, he asks that all parishes include the following intercession in the General Intercessions for the Celebration of the Lord’s Passion on Good Friday, March 25. This intercession has been formatted to match the pattern (either sung or spoken) of the intercessions that are found in the Sacramentary. Please translate this prayer as needed for Good Friday celebrations in other languages.

XI. For Special Needs

For all who suffer from war, violence, terrorism, abuse, or natural disasters,
that God will give them courage and strength;
that those who serve their nations in the military will return safely to their homes.


Let us pray.
O God, you are the source of the hopes and dreams of the people that you have made.
Watch over our world and lead us in the ways of life and peace,
that all may serve you in love.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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