Thursday, April 14, 2005

Prayers for the Conclave

The conclave in which the cardinals elect a new Pope begins on Monday, April 18. Below are suggested general intercessions and prayers in English and Spanish that you can use in your daily Masses and prayers during the conclave.

Suggested General Intercessions at the start of and during the Conclave
(from the Archdiocese of Chicago)

For the College of Cardinals: that they may be open in heart and mind to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we pray to the Lord.

For an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the conclave in Rome: that through intense prayer and genuine discernment, the Cardinals may listen to the Spirit's guidance, we pray to the Lord.

For the Catholic Church: that in faith and confidence we may be united as we await the Spirit's action in the election of a new Pope, we pray to the Lord.

Sugerencias para las Peticiones al comienzo del Cónclave y durante el Cónclave
(from the Archdiocese of Chicago)

Por el colegio Cardenalicio, para que permanezca abierto a la guía e iluminación del Espíritu Santo. Roguemos al Señor.

Para que el Espíritu Santo sea derramado sobre el Cónclave en Roma: que a través de un genuino discernimiento y oración, los Cardenales sean guiados por el Espíritu. Roguemos al Señor.

Por toda la Iglesia Católica: para que con fe y confianza permanezca unida, mientras espera la acción del Espíritu Santo en la elección del nuevo Papa. Roguemos al Señor.

Prayer for the Church during the Conclave
(from the Archdiocese of Chicago)

God of mercy and kindness,
your servant John Paul the Second echoed in your Church
the words of Jesus “Do not be afraid” and “Put out into the deep.”
May these words find a home in our hearts
and encourage us as we move into the future.
Direct your Church by the power of the Holy Spirit and raise up a Pastor
who will confirm his brothers and sisters,
who will feed and strengthen them with word and sacrament,
who will stand strong in witnessing the Gospel before the world,
and who will be a sign and source of unity for your Church.
Bless us your people with grace and determination
to continue the mission of your Son Jesus
and to be “a people brought into unity
from the unity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.”

Oración por la Iglesia durante el Cónclave
(from the Archdiocese of Chicago, translated by Lupita Vital)

Dios de misericordia y bondad, tu siervo Juan Pablo II,
hizo eco las palabras de Jesús en la Iglesia,
“No tengan miedo” y “Vayan a lo desconocido.”
Que estas palabras encuentren eco en tu corazón
y nos den valor para ir hacia el futuro.
Dirige a tu Iglesia con el poder del Espíritu Santo y elige un Pastor
quien confirme a sus hermanos y hermanas,
quien alimente y los fortalezca con la palabra y el sacramento,
quien los levante y mantenga firmes como testigos del Evangelio en el mundo,
y sean signos y fuentes de unidad para tu Iglesia.
Bendice a tu pueblo con la gracia y la determinación
de continuar la misión de tu Hijo Jesús
y que sean “un pueblo unido por la unidad
del Padre, del Hijo, y del Espíritu Santo.”

Prayer for the Cardinals at the Conclave
(from the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis)

God of Infinite Wisdom, on the day of Pentecost
your Holy Spirit descended on the disciples locked in the upper room.
Send that same Spirit on those cardinals gathered in conclave
entrusted with electing a new pope.
In your mercy grant your Church a pope
who will strive for the healing of the nations,
the dignity of all people, the concerns of the poor,
the safety of the vulnerable, and the unity of all Churches.
May he constantly turn to you in prayer and be filled with your Holy Spirit.
We pray in Jesus' name. Amen.

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