Friday, April 01, 2005

Suggested Memorial Mass upon the Death of Pope John Paul II

Items needed:
  • Presider folder with script
  • Worship aids
  • Lectionary (Ritual, Votive, Commons) with readings on ambo
  • Folder with intercessions on ambo
  • Gospel Book
  • Cross and stand
  • Items for Liturgy of the Eucharist

Ministers needed:

  • Celebrant
  • Cantor
  • MC
  • Deacon
  • Servers
  • Cross bearer
  • Lectors (2)
  • Intercessionist
  • Communion Ministers


  • Check Gospel book and Lectionary
  • Check Sacramentary
  • Place intercessions folder on ambo

Suggested Music:

  • “For All the Saints” (William How)
  • Psalm 27 “The Lord is My Light” (David Haas)
  • Easter Alleluia (O FILII ET FILIAE)
  • “Be Not Afraid” (Bob Dufford)
  • “Mass of Creation” acclamations (Marty Haugen)
  • “Mass of Creation” Lamb of God (Marty Haugen)
  • “I Am the Bread of Life” (Suzanne Toolan)
  • “Song of Farewell” (Ernest Sands)
  • “Song of Farewell” (OLD HUNDRETH)
  • “I Know that My Redeemer Lives (Scott Soper)

I. Introductory Rites

(all stand)
A. Gathering Procession: “For All the Saints” (William How)

B. Sign of the Cross and Greeting

C. Penitential Rite
Sacramentary, C-vii, p. 364, or
Sacramentary, C-iv, p. 362, or

Lord our hope, you have destroyed the veil of death that veils all people. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Lord our savior, in you we find rest from our labors. Christ, have mercy. Christ, have mercy.

Lord our resurrection, you will call us home to rejoice in your kingdom. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

D. Opening Prayer
Sacramentary, Masses for the Dead, For a Pope, Option A, p. 966, or
Sacramentary, Masses for the Dead, For a Pope, Option B, p. 967, or
Sacramentary, Masses for the Dead, For a Pope, Option C, p. 968, or
Order of Christian Funerals, Prayers for the Dead, #398.14, p. 338

II. Liturgy of the Word

(all sit)
A. First Reading: Isaiah 25:6, 7-9
Lectionary (Ritual, Votive, Commons), Masses for the Dead, #1011.5, p. 1154

B. Psalm: Psalm 27 “The Lord is My Light” (D. Haas)

C. Second Reading
Revelation 14:13, Lectionary (Ritual, Votive, Commons), Masses for the Dead, #1012.2, p. 1157, or
2 Corinthians 4:14-5:1, Lectionary (Ritual, Votive, Commons), Masses for the Dead, #1014.9, p. 1176, or
1 John 3:14-16, Lectionary (Ritual, Votive, Commons), Masses for the Dead, #1012.15, p. 1180

(all stand)
D. Gospel Acclamation
“Easter Alleluia” (Marty Haugen) or a Lenten acclamation during the season of Lent
The Deacon carries the Book of Gospels to the ambo.

E. Gospel Reading
Matthew 5:1-12, Lectionary (Ritual, Votive, Commons), Masses for the Dead, #1016.1, p. 1183, or
Luke 24:13-35 or short form, Lectionary (Ritual, Votive, Commons), Masses for the Dead, #1016.10, p. 1194

(all sit)
F. Homily

(all stand)
G. General Intercessions
In the face of the death of our Holy Father, John Paul II,
let us ask God our Father to soften our sorrow, arouse our hope,
and renew our confidence through his Son’s victory over death.


For Pope John Paul II who shepherded the Church for twenty-six years [pause]. May his bold proclamation of peace and justice for all people in every land stir in us the desire to continue his legacy of peacemaking. We pray.

For the faithful of the Diocese of Rome, as they face the loss of their bishop, John Paul [pause]. May they not lose sight of their mission to love and to serve. We pray.

For those who will gather in Rome to choose the successor of Peter [pause]. May the Holy Spirit guide them and give them insight and wisdom; may they be open to the Spirit, who speaks through the people and prophets of today. We pray.

For those who suffer from chronic or terminal illness [pause]. With the Holy Father as their example, may they remain faithful and courageous by bearing witness to the suffering and steadfastness of Christ. We pray.

For John Paul II and all who have died in the service of the gospel [pause]. Through Jesus, who is our resurrection and life, may they share in the joy of God’s presence forever. We pray.

Loving and gracious God, only in you do we find rest.
Help us grow in faith and love,
and prepare our hearts to accept the truth:
that death completes our birth into your heavenly kingdom.
Hear the prayers for our faithful departed,
especially for your servant, John Paul.
May they enter into the fullness of peace
which you alone can give.
We ask this through our risen Savior, Christ our Lord. Amen.

III. Liturgy of the Eucharist

(all sit)
A. Preparation of Gifts: “Be Not Afraid” (Bob Dufford)

(all stand)
B. Prayer over the Gifts
Sacramentary, Masses for the Dead, For a Pope, Option A, p. 966, or
Sacramentary, Masses for the Dead, For a Pope, Option B, p. 967, or
Sacramentary, Masses for the Dead, For a Pope, Option C, p. 968

C. Preface: Sacramentary, P77: Christian Death I, p. 527

D. Eucharistic Prayer: “Mass of Creation” acclamations (Marty Haugen)
Suggest Eucharistic Prayer I.
When the See of Peter is vacant, the prayer for unity with the Pope is omitted:
    EP I: omit “N. our Pope,”
    EP II: omit “N. our Pope,”
    EP III: omit “your servant, Pope N.,”
    EP IV: omit “N. our Pope.”
E. Lord’s Prayer

F. Fraction Rite: “Mass of Creation” (Marty Haugen)

G. Communion: “I Am the Bread of Life” (Suzanne Toolan)

H. Prayer after Communion
Sacramentary, Masses for the Dead, For a Pope, Option A, p. 966, or
Sacramentary, Masses for the Dead, For a Pope, Option B, p. 967, or
Sacramentary, Masses for the Dead, For a Pope, Option C, p. 968

IV. Concluding Rite

A. Solemn Blessing
Sacramentary, #20 – The Dead, pg. 578, or
Sacramentary, #5 – Passion of the Lord, pg. 571

B. Dismissal

C. Recessional
“Song of Farewell” (Ernest Sands), or
“Song of Farewell” (OLD HUNDRETH), or
“I Know That My Redeemer Lives” (Scott Soper)


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