Monday, May 02, 2005

What Makes A Good Church?

The people at Busted say that the 20 and 30 something crowd consistently tell them that the hallmarks of a great parish mix these elements:

  • Mystery: young adults long for a sense of the contemplative in ritual.
  • Hospitality: young adults want to feel welcomed in their spiritual home.
  • Relevant Preaching: messages that resonate with their everyday experiences.
  • Joyful Singable Music: music that they like to both listen to and sing along with.

Click here to commentWork of the People wants to hear from you! What do you think makes a parish great? Click on the comment link below (next to "Trackback") and share your thoughts.

Then check out Busted Halo's Church Search and see if your parish is one recommended by the young adults there.


  1. Anonymous8:56 AM

    I note that there is no explicit reference to God or to Jesus Christ.

  2. Anonymous10:15 AM

    A good parish:
    1. has lots going on. God's work is not just sitting in the pews and following the letter of the "laws". Liturgy means the "work of the people" The work should go on each day.

    2. has music that touches the soul. Sometimes meditative, sometimes reflective,sometimes "dancing down the aisles" joyful. Always tied to the readings.

    3. inspirational. Tells us what living a Christlike life entails and how to meet that challenge. It Challenges our faith and desire to be true Christians and not just pew warmers.

    4. is welcoming. Live "All are Welcome". How can someone develop and live faith if they are not invited in?

  3. Anonymous8:41 AM

    a good church is the place where we can praise our Lord Jesus Christ truthfully and without force. where the song only please Him but not us to enjoy. A good church preaches not only about miracles and God loves to us, but also the consequences of sin, and much to concern, withouth act, faith means nothing.. so a good church pleases Him, not us human.
