Saturday, December 10, 2005

Prayer on the Anniversary of Tsunami

Below is a prayer service offered by Catholic Relief Services for communities to use during the upcoming one-year anniversary of the tsunami disaster in Southeast Asia.

Catholic Relief Services
Prayer Service for Tsunami Victims

Environment: To help create a sacred space, place twelve candles in your worship area to represent the twelve countries that were deeply affected by the tsunami disaster. Please light each candle as the countries are named during the prayer service. At the close of the service, CRS Tsunami Prayer Cards can be distributed (available at

Invitation to Prayer: (please stand)

Leader: We come together to stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters who have experienced a harrowing natural disaster. We feel so helpless, yet want to be of help. As we look for ways to show our compassion and concern, we come to our God who has been for us both compassion and love.

Twelve candles are before us. Each candle represents the different nations impacted by this disaster.

For these people we pray. For the people of Bangladesh…

All: for you we pray.

Leader: For the people of Burma… All: for you we pray.
Leader: For the people of India… All: for you we pray.
Leader: For the people of Indonesia… All: for you we pray.
Leader: For the people of Kenya… All: for you we pray.
Leader: For the people of Malaysia… All: for you we pray.
Leader: For the people of Maldives… All: for you we pray.
Leader: For the people of The Seychelles… All: for you we pray.
Leader: For the people of Somalia… All: for you we pray.
Leader: For the people of Sri Lanka… All: for you we pray.
Leader: For the people of Tanzania… All: for you we pray.
Leader: For the people of Thailand… All: for you we pray.

Leader: We pray for you, and for all those struggling to cope with their grief and pain.

All: Amen.

Opening hymn:
“There is a Longing” (Spirit & Song, OCP Publications) --or--
“You Are Mine” (Gather, GIA Publications)

Leader: Let us now open our minds and hearts to the word of God. (please sit)

Reading Suggestions:
Isaiah 54:10-14
Isaiah 55: 8-13
Romans 8: 22-28

Reflection: This time can be used for an individual speaker (see CRS Tsunami Talking Points at, a shared group reflection, or a period of silence.

Prayers of the Faithful: (please stand)

Leader: Loving God, we place before you our needs and concerns, trusting in your mercy, and
always grateful of your love and grace in our lives. Our response is: “Lord, hear our prayer.”
  • For those who perished, that Christ may welcome them to the shores of eternal peace, we
    pray to the Lord:
  • For those who were injured physically and emotionally, that they may feel God’s healing
    presence through those who minister to them, we pray to the Lord:
  • For all relief workers, that they not be overwhelmed by the task, but strengthened by the
    difference they are making for the victims, we pray to the Lord:
  • For all of us, that through our thoughts, prayers and support, we might promote a sense of
    solidarity among all the peoples of the world, we pray to the Lord:
  • For a sustained effort to rebuild the lives and livelihoods of our brothers and sisters in need, we pray to the Lord:

Leader: Lord, hear these and all the needs of your people. Give us the strength to serve you as we pray the words our Savior Jesus taught us…

All: Our Father . . .

Sign of Peace: The leader invites the participants to share with each other a sign of peace.

Concluding Prayer and Blessing:

Leader: God, our Creator, we raise our hearts, minds and souls, to you at this time of need. Many members of our human family have suffered severely due to the recent earthquakes and tsunami. We mourn for those who have perished, and share our compassion for those who remain. Send your Spirit, the author of life and the one who inspires us to grow beyond ourselves. May we be the answer to Jesus’ prayer, “that they all may be one.”

All: Amen.

Leader: May the Lord bless us (+), protect us from all harm, and bring us to everlasting life.

All: Amen.

Leader: As we go forth today, we will receive a memorial prayer card. May it serve as a reminder for us to continue in our concern for the people affected by the tsunami in Southeast Asia.

Sending Forth Song:
”Christ Be Our Light” (Spirit & Song, OCP Publications) --or--
“We Are Many Parts” (Gather, GIA Publications)

Catholic Relief Services is the official overseas relief and development agency of the US Catholic Community. • 1-877-HELP-CRS • Catholic Relief Services, P.O. Box 17090, Baltimore, MD 21203-7090.

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