Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Parish Communications Workshop Series - May 2 & 9, 2006

Diocese of San José
Parish Communications Workshop Series
May 2 and 9, 2006
6:30-9:30pm at St. Joseph Cupertino

What is it?
It will be two, three-hour workshop sessions to be attended by those in parishes who are responsible for communicating with parishioners. Parish staff and lay people responsible for planning or maintaining parish and school websites, parish bulletins, newsletters, kiosks, and stewardship communications will benefit from attending these hands-on workshops.

Conducted by professional communicators, we will learn practical tips and techniques for executing a basic set of parish communications vehicles as well as review best practice examples from around the country. Additionally, parish communicators will have a chance to see samples from around the Diocese and get tips for their own materials should they so desire. Please note that our focus will be on communications with parishioners rather than communications between parish or school staffs or ministry groups.

Who should attend?
Parish and school staff and laypeople responsible for planning or executing any of the communications vehicles we will discuss are welcome to attend, as are those responsible for the entire communications function. Pastors and pastoral council members are welcome as well.

What will be covered?

Session I
  • Level-setting: Why invest in communications? How can you reduce the cost of your communications and still be more effective? How can you better integrate and share content between vehicles? Tips for project management and consensus-building; how to measure your progress. See the opportunity in all the major “moments of truth” and “touchpoints” in parishioner communications.
  • Review of best practice examples from around the country.
  • Execution tips and techniques and best practice examples from around the country for:
    • parish and school kiosks and reception areas
    • weekly bulletins
    • New (and existing) parishioner packets.
  • Review of same materials from around the Diocese; individual critiques as requested and time allows.
Session II

  • Execution tips and techniques and best practice examples from around the country for:
    • parish websites
    • print and email communications
    • seasonal communications
    • stewardship communications
  • Review of same materials from around the Diocese; individual critiques as requested and time allows.

Please register with Terrie Iacino at 408-983-0122 to save your spot. Let her know know who you are, which parish you are representing, and why you want to take this workshop series.

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