Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Sample Intercessions for October 22, 2006

29th Sunday Ordinary Time, Year B
October 22, 2006

Things, events, and news items to keep in mind:

  • Click here for the readings of the day.
  • Hawaii suffers a large earthquake which leaves many stranded and without electricity for several days.
  • A car bomb in Sri Lanka kills over 90 people.
  • With the bloodiest week in Iraq since January, 2005, over 70 United States military personnel have been killed this month.
  • Cities, counties, and states prepare for elections. California has several controversial propositions on the ballot.
  • The priests of the diocese begin their week-long Clergy Jubilee Retreat on October 22, 2006.
  • Celebrating their patron’s feast day this week is the parish of Saint Simon (October 28).
The following are just samples meant to inspire your work. Use them as ideas for your own assembly's intercessions. Read 10 Principles for Writing Intercessions and How To Write Intercessions to help you write your own.

In Christ we have a great high priest
who sympathizes with our weaknesses.
So let us confidently approach the throne of grace
and offer our prayers for those in need.

For the Church: [pause]
for strength to hold fast to our confession,
for confidence to approach the throne of God’s grace,
for faith to drink the cup that Christ drinks.
We pray to the Lord.

For our civil leaders: [pause]
for candidates and lawmakers,
for compassionate use of power and authority,
for humble and sympathetic service to the poor,
for timely help for those in need.
We pray to the Lord.

For an end to war and suffering: [pause]
for the people of Israel and Palestine,
for the people of Iraq and Afghanistan,
for the people of Darfur and Sri Lanka,
for the light of hope to break through their affliction.
We pray to the Lord.

For all who are powerless: [pause]
for the unborn and the infant,
for the elderly, the diseased, and neglected;
for those condemned and despised by society;
for those immobilized by fear from cancer and terminal illness.
We pray to the Lord.

For the sick and near death: [pause]
for those exhausted by sickness in body, mind, or spirit,
for those crushed by illness and infirmity,
for strength in their weakness and hope in their confession of faith,
including those we now name….
We pray to the Lord.

For all who have died: [pause]
for justification in Christ,
for eternal light in the fullness of days,
for a place prepared for them in the kingdom,
including those we now name....
We pray to the Lord.

God of glory,
you call us to share in Christ’s cup of suffering.
Hear our prayer as we use our power to serve the least of your people.
We ask this in the name of the one who saves us,
Jesus, Lord for ever and ever. Amen.

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