Thursday, January 18, 2007

A Lenten Night Prayer for Home

Below is a sample lenten night prayer by Diana Macalintal that families or individuals can use in their home during the season of Lent.

Download a Word document version of this prayer.

A Lenten Night Prayer for Home


The leader leads everyone in making the sign of the cross.

Leader: In the name of the Father (+), and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Leader: Let us recall the events of this day.
Where did we see Christ today,
and where may we have ignored him?

All spend some time in silent, written, or shared reflection.

Leader: With thanksgiving and trust in God’s boundless mercy,
let us ask for healing from God and each other.

All: I confess to Almighty God….


Read the Sunday Gospel or another reading from the Lenten season. Or sing together the refrain of the Lenten responsorial psalm or another song from Sunday’s Mass.


For each petition, name out loud any specific persons you want to pray for.

Leader: Let us offer our prayers to God who hears us.
For our family and friends….We pray: Lord, hear our prayer.
For our co-workers and classmates….We pray:
For the sick and those who care for them….We pray:
For those we don’t get along with….We pray:
For those we have hurt today….We pray:
For the Elect preparing for baptism….We pray:
For our Church and world leaders….We pray:
For those looking for work, food, or shelter….We pray:
For those with no one to help them….We pray:

Leader: Together, we pray as Jesus taught us.
Our Father….

Leader: Lord God, protect us when we are awake,
and watch over us as we sleep,
that we may rise with Christ who is our light.

All: Lord, now let your servants go in peace,
for your word has been fulfilled.
Our eyes have seen your salvation,
your glory before all people.
Your light you have revealed to the world,
giving your promise to your chosen ones.


All make the sign of the cross as the leader concludes the prayer.

Leader: May the Lord bless us, (+) protect us from all evil,
and bring us to everlasting life. Amen.

Leader: Grant us a restful night…
All: and a peaceful end.

Leader: May peace be with us always…
All: and with our loved ones everywhere.

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