Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Reconciliation Services resources

Sr. Rosheen Glennon, CSJ, pastoral associate at Saint Nicholas Parish, gave me these suggestions for reconciliation service resources.

Reconcilation Services through the Church Year
by Margrit Anna Banta (23rd Publications)
Easy to use, easy to adapt, easy to duplicate, these reconciliation services cover the major seasons of the church year: Advent, Lent, Holy Week, Easter, Pentecost, and Ordinary Time. Each offers directions for the leader, homily suggestions for the presider, opening prayers centered on the Trinity, Scripture readings, and an examination of conscience. Many conclude with a sharing of peace, the Our Father, and a final blessing. The comprehensive homily suggestions deftly connect the gospel readings to the real-life experiences of parishioners. A great resource for all parishes and schools!

Try also Parish Reconciliation Services: Seasonal Celebrations for Adults and Children by Margrit Anna Banta (23rd Publications).

Come, Let Us Celebrate! Creative Celebrations of Reconciliation by Sarah O'Malley, OSB and Robert Eimer, OMI, (Resource Publications, Inc.) is out of print. But you might still be able to find this at a library.

Penitential Services
by Oliver Crilly, editor (23rd Publications)

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