Wednesday, March 07, 2007

End of the Diocesan Jubilee Year Mass - March 17, 2007

Images copyright Marklin Candle Design 2005.  All rights reserved.

This is what the back of the diocesan Jubilee Cross looked like on the First Sunday of Advent, 2005, when Bishop Patrick J. McGrath opened the Diocese of San Jose's Jubilee Year, marking our first 25 years as a diocese.

Since then, our Bishop has been traveling to each of the diocese' parishes and communities to celebrate Mass with them and to add their tessera (a small glass tile) to the Jubilee Cross. This weekend, the last of the 52 tiles will be added to complete the image that records our diocese's young history.

Want to see what the completed Jubilee Cross looks like?

Find out at the Mass for the End of the Jubilee Year on Saturday, March 17, 2007, 10:00a, at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph!

Bishop McGrath invites all persons of the diocese to celebrate with him the blessings of this Jubilee Year. He especially invites the youth and young adults and their families to this celebration. During the Mass, representatives from each of our parishes' ministries to the young Church will receive a blessing and commission to hand on our faith through the next 25 years.

End of the Jubilee Year Mass
Saturday, March 17, 2007, 10:00a

Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph
80 South Market Street, San Jose

Images copyright Marklin Candle Design 2005.  All rights reserved.

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