Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Five principles for mystagogical preaching and catechesis

In the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, only two pages of texts are given to describe the period of mystagogy and post-baptismal catechesis. Below are the five main things you need to know about mystagogy during this period of the initiation process (from RCIA 244-247):
  • Mystagogy and mystagogical preaching leads the neophytes and the community to a deepened grasp of the paschal mystery and helps them make it part of their lives through

    • meditation on the Gospel
    • sharing in eucharist, and
    • doing works of charity.

  • Mystagogy and mystagogical preaching introduces the neophytes into a fuller and more effective understanding of the mysteries through the Gospel and the sacraments.

  • The main setting for mystagogy is the Sunday Mass.

  • At Masses during the Easter season where neophytes are present, it is recommended to use the readings for Year A.

  • Mystagogy and mystagogical preaching renews the inspiration and outlook of the faithful and brings them closer to the neophytes.

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