Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Liturgical Coordinators' Gathering - January 8, 2008

Lent begins in 37 days! Ack! And Christmas isn't even over yet! So let's get a move on and start thinking Lenten thoughts.

Liturgical Coordinators’ Gathering
“The Liturgical Arts of Lent:
Word, Music, Movement, and Environment”

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

10:00a - 12:00p

Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception
219 Bean Avenue, Los Gatos, 95030

Please RSVP with Bernard Nemis
408-983-0126, or online.

You will come away from this meeting with:

  • Five things every Lenten homily must do (and how to help your homilists do them);

  • Three ways Lenten music is different from the rest of the year;

  • Ten ways to do liturgical movement without breaking out the ballet slippers;

  • Eight items necessary for flawless Lenten environment;

  • And because Easter can't be far behind...Triduum Tips and FAQS.
Get 2008 started right. Bring your ideas, best practices, and questions. And here are the dates for the Liturgical Coordinators' Gatherings for the year:
  • Tuesday, March 4, 2008, Saint John the Baptist, Milpitas

  • Tuesday, May 6, 2008, Saint Catherine of Alexandria, Morgan Hill

If you have any questions about these gatherings, please contact Diana or 408-983-0136.

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