Friday, February 13, 2009

Why St. Clare? Why now?

Clare of Assisi:
Light for Identity, Community and Humanity

Working and dwelling at a place called Santa Clara we use her name everyday. But how many of us have developed a personal understanding or relationship to St. Clare’s life? The week-long series of symposia and theatrical performances scheduled for February 17-20, 2009, will explore the identity of Clare, the extraordinary reality of her life and calling, and allow students, staff, faculty and visitors to reflect on her spiritual journey in light their own spiritual landscape to discover, ultimately, how her story converges with or diverges from their own. The intentional naming and claiming of identity is a significant consciousness for a person and for an institution, and often motivates and clarifies presence, movement, and activity in the world.

While we have a rather clear consciousness of SCU as a Jesuit university begotten by St. Ignatius of Loyola, we feel that the identity and meaning of Clare is a mystery to most. Turning to her, we investigate her unique consciousness, her leadership and her life to discover more deeply how it might shape SCU’s identity, our relations with one another, and our work in the world.

Join moderator Jean Molesky-Poz, Religious Studies & guests Penelope Duckworth, Keith Warner, OFM, Margie Will, OSF & SCU Students for a lively symposium on our University’s namesake.

Thursday, February 19, 2009
4:00-6:00 pm
St. Clare Room
Santa Clara University
Library and Learning Commons 3rd floor

Clare of Assisi. An Original Theatre Work by Mark Larson & Kristin Kusanovich after Thomas of Celano with Music by Bill Mike. The programs above are made possible by the Bannan Institute of the Ignatian Center for Jesuit Education, the Identity Grant from the Council on Inclusive Excellence, the Center of Performing Arts, the Departments of Religious Studies, Modern Languages and Women and Gender Studies Graphic Design by Amy Fastenau at Tilt Design.

Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday
February 17, 18 & 20, 2009
8:00 pm Mission Santa Clara

February 19 (Clare Syposium) Flyer

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