Thursday, December 28, 2006

Sample Intercessions for December 31, 2006 - Holy Family

Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, Year C
December 31, 2006

Things, events, and news items to keep in mind:

  • Click here for the day's readings.
  • As of December 28, 2006, 2,989 US soldiers have died in Iraq, surpassing the number who died in the attacks of September 11. 357 US soldiers have died in Afghanistan. So far, 3,346 US soldiers have died in the war on terror.
  • Significant deaths this week include entertainer, James Brown (December 25), and former president, Gerald R. Ford (December 26).
  • Colorado faces another debilitating blizzard while the Bay Area was hit with a major winter storm, leaving 8000 homes without power. The homeless and those without heat are left in danger.
  • Iraqis wait for the impending execution of Saddam Hussein.
  • Three million Muslims gather from throughout the world to begin the annual Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca.
  • Visitors will continue filling local churches during the holiday season. Travelers will be far from home.
  • This Feast of the Holy Family may bring up some painful images for those in strained and broken family relationships, those grieving the loss of a loved one, those terminally ill, those with family far away, or those alone or abandoned.
  • January 1 is the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God and a day of prayer for peace. It is not a holy day of obligation.
  • The New Year brings many parties. It also brings a time for reflection on the past and hope for the future.
  • The Christmas season calls for more solemnity. Consider using a sung response and having your deacon, cantor, or reader chant the intercessions.
  • The following communities in the diocese celebrate their patron's feast day this week: Holy Family Parish (December 31),
The following are just samples meant to inspire your work. Use them as ideas for your own assembly's intercessions. Read 10 Principles for Writing Intercessions and How To Write Intercessions to help you write your own.

Emmanuel has come, the hope of all the peoples.
Let us lift our voices in prayer with the saints
and cry out with the angels: Glory to God in the highest!

For the faithful who called to be the children of God,
for those preparing for baptism
and all who seek to be in the Father's house: [pause]
May they be clothed with the glory of Christ
to live in love with one another.
We pray to the Lord.

For the world broken by poverty and greed,
for nations at war that dream of a new year of peace: [pause]
May they be clothed with love that is beyond reason
to show mercy and compassion to those most in need.
We pray to the Lord.

For those far from home during this holiday season,
for travelers, missionaries, and those in the military,
for those distanced from family by miles or past hurts: [pause]
May they be clothed with the prayers of loved ones
to bring them safely home.
We pray to the Lord.

For all kinds of families, large and small,
for marriages, communities, and relationships
weighed down by strife,
for those who have no one to call family: [pause]
May they be clothed with heartfelt compassion and kindness,
humility, gentleness, and patience,
to heal whatever pain, anger, or loneliness remains.
We pray to the Lord.

For mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters,
for grandparents and relatives,
for all those we call our family who have loved us into being: [pause]
May they be clothed with abundant blessings.
We pray to the Lord.

For loved ones ill or close to death,
for the aged and all who are in need of our prayers,
including those we now name…: [pause]
May they be clothed with God's healing power.
We pray to the Lord.

For our deceased loved ones whom we miss this season,
for those who died alone,
for innocent victims of violence,
including those we now name…: [pause]
May Christ gather us together into the eternal light of heaven.
We pray to the Lord.

Lord Jesus, Everlasting Light,
clothe your children with your holiness, and hear our prayers,
for we have confidence in you and believe your word.
Make of us a holy family,
strong in wisdom and rich in favor before you
so that all people may live
in the peace of the Spirit you have given us.
We ask this in your name, Emmanuel,
God with us, for ever and ever. Amen.

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