Liturgy isn't the work of just a few people. Everyone who celebrates the liturgy has a role to play. And the work we do together can change the world. This is the FORMER liturgical newsletter for the Diocese of San Jose. Find some help here to do your work.
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Lilly "Making Connections" Scholarship
Who is Eligible:
Church employees in the Archdiocese of San Francisco, the Dioceses of Oakland, Sacramento, San José, Santa Rosa, and Stockton may apply.
How to Apply:
To be considered for a "Making Connections" Scholarship, submit an application for admission and a Making Connections Scholarship application to the Jesuit School no later than January 10, 2006.
For more information, contact:
Patricia Abracia
Office of Admissions
Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley
1735 LeRoy Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94709
When you call or email, please let them know that you are interested in the "Making Connections" Scholarship. The GTU 2006-07 course schedule is online here.
Friday, October 21, 2005
Sponsor Formation Day - November 19, 2005
November 19, 2005
9:30a - 3:30p
Villa Holy Names Spirituality Center
82 Prospect Avenue, Los Gatos
January 14, 2006, 9:30a - 3:30p
Church Environment Workshop - October 26, 2005
with Sr. Marilyn Ann Morgan, rsm
Wednesday, October 26, 2005, 7:00p
Holy Spirit Church, in the Small Hall
37588 Fremont Blvd, Fremont
You may pre-register and pay at the door; or register and pay at the door. Please make checks payable to Diocese of Oakland.
To register: Contact Linda Krehmeier at
Prayer Service to End the Death Penalty

for the Abolition of the Death Penalty
St. James Park
at 1st and St. James, San José
Come join us to pray for the men and women on death row and also for their victims.
For more information: call Terry McCaffrey at 408-257-1360
A Gift for You! Daylight Saving - October 30, 2005

you get a free gift of one extra hour
on October 30.
Remind your parishioners to
turn their clocks backward
before they go to bed on October 29!
Litany of Saints for the Diocese of San José
Litany of Saints for the Diocese of San Jose
Set to the “Litany of Saints” by John D. Becker (OCP Publications)
Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy. Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.
1. Mary, Mother of God…pray for us.
Our Lady of Guadalupe…
Our Lady of Peace…
Our Lady Star of the Sea…
Queen of Apostles…pray for us.
Mary of the Assumption…
Mary of the Immaculate Conception…
And Joseph, her husband…pray for us.
All you holy men and women, pray for us.
2. Clare and Francis of Assisi…pray for us.
John the Baptist, John Vianney…
Brother Albert and Anthony…
Athanasius and Christopher…
Cyprian and Elizabeth…pray for us.
Catherine of Alexandria…
Joseph of Cupertino…
Victor, Frances Cabrini…pray for us.
All you holy men and women, pray for us.
3. Justin and Julie Billiart…pray for us.
Lawrence the Martyr…
Lucy and Patrick
Maria Goretti…
Nicholas and William…pray for us.
Martin of Tours…
Leo the Great…
Thomas Aquinas…pray for us.
All you holy men and women, pray for us.
4. Thomas of Canterbury…pray for us.
Santa Teresa…
Simon and Martin…
Holy Korean Martyrs…
Andrew Dung-Lac…pray for us.
Ignatius, Vincent, Dominic…
Blessed Miguel Pro…
All Saints of God…pray for us.
All you holy men and women, pray for us.
5. Christ, the King, be merciful…save your people.
By your Transfiguration…
Your Resurrection and Ascension…
By your precious Five Wounds…
By your Holy Cross and Sacred Heart…save your people.
By your Most Holy Trinity…
Through your Holy Family…
Through your Holy Spirit…save your people.
Christ, hear us; Lord, Jesus, hear our prayer.
6. Have mercy on us sinners…hear our prayer.
Protect your holy Church…
Send your wisdom upon us…
Unite us and guide us…
Bring all peoples together…hear our prayer.
In true peace and harmony…
Comfort the troubled…
Strengthen all of us to serve you…hear our prayer.
Christ, hear us; Lord, Jesus, hear our prayer.
Is There Still Joy in the Eucharist?

The Joy of Belonging to God
Hear great speakers from around the country:
- Msgr. James Moroney
- Thomas Groome
- Fr. J. Glenn Murray
- Sr. Eva Marie Lumas
- Sr. Gretchen Hailer
- Bill Huebsch
- Jerry Galipeau
- Rev. David Pettingill
- and more!
Celebrate in prayer, visit exhibits and come away spiritually renewed and inspired. It is still not too late to register.
For information call 408-983-0127 or click here to download the conference brochure (pdf format).
What if Life Doesn't Haftabe Sooooooo Hard?

an easy, potent introduction
to the InterPlay Experience
with Penny Mann
and Leo Keegan.
You know you want to!
1675 Winchester Blvd., Campbell
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
An Examination of Conscience for Musicians
"Built of Living Stones" Course at JSTB
The Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley will be offering a spring 2006 course introducing students to fundamental theology through the arts, using the United States bishops' document "Built of Living Stones." Course description is below. For information on applying, click here.
Spring 2006
STRA 3155 01
"Built of Living Stones"
A. Garcia-Rivera (JSTB), M. Mochizuki (JSTB)
F 9:40 AM -12:30 PM
Built of Living Stones: Art, Architecture and Worship (2000) is the U.S. Catholic bishops' official statement on the use of religious art in the church. This is a praxis course for students in the JSTB M.Div. curriculum that offers an introduction to fundamental theology through the arts. Students in other schools and degree programs are welcome and no previous knowledge of art is required. The course is designed as a course in fundamental theology as it presents itself in the practical application of the arts in the parish as well as to develop critical visual skills for priestly/ministerial use. Lecture/discussion/guest speakers. Visits to Bay Area churches and museums including the Berkeley Art Museum, JSTB Chapel, SF Legion of Honor, Oakland Cathedral and St. Gregory of Nyssa. Evaluation will consist of active class participation, presentations (including a praxis project) and two brief papers. [1 systematic theology or liturgical studies class; 15 max. enrollment]
Monday, October 17, 2005
Catechumenate Support Group - October 20, 2005
For more information, contact Diana Macalintal at or 408-983-0136.
Liturgical Coordinators' Gathering - October 25, 2005
For more information, contact Diana Macalintal at or 408-983-0136.
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Respect Life - Repeat
- Respect Life: Seeing the Whole Picture
- Respect Life: A Self-Reflection
- Respect Life: Resources for Abolishing the Death Penalty
- Respect Life Month: Life and Dignity of the Human Person