Click here for the day's readings.
For those who have fathered us into birth,
for those we call “father” who have shown us the face of our Father in heaven,
for expectant fathers and those whose arms ache to cradle their own,
for fathers who have borne the pain of losing a child,
and for fathers who have laid down their life for their children:
May the one who is Father and Lord of all be their guide and their peace.
We pray to the Lord.
For all who have been deprived of their fathers
through war, violence, or imprisonment,
addiction, divorce, or separation;
for those whose fathers have left home in search of work in another land,
that their wounds may be healed and their families mended together.
We pray to the Lord.
For foster fathers, step fathers, and fathers by adoption,
that they will find true happiness in the mystery of fatherhood
and that their love for their children may bind them closer
into the perfect love of God.
We pray to the Lord.
For those we call father,
those who showed us how to throw a ball or cook a meal,
those who taught us how to drive and showed mercy upon us for the dents,
those who kissed away our hurts, calmed all our fears,
and protected us as best they could.
We pray to the Lord.
For all fathers, living or dead,
those nearby or those distanced by miles, disease, or division,
that they all may be embraced and strengthened
by the loving arms of God, the Father of us all.
We pray to the Lord.