Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Sample Intercessions for September 12, 2004

These are just samples meant to inspire your work. Use these to give you ideas for your own assembly's intercessions.

24th Sunday Ordinary Time, Year C
Click here for the Sunday's readings.

Trusting all things to God, let us lift up the needs of the world.


For the Church (pause):
for enduring faith in a stiff-necked world;
for conversion when we have acted out of ignorance;
for humble companionship with sinners and diligent care for the lost.
We pray to the Lord.

For world leaders and those in authority (pause):
for generous help in time of famine;
for mercy in time of war;
for persistent pursuit of peace.
We pray to the Lord.

For victims of violence (pause):
for school children living in fear;
for families made homeless by wind and storm;
for innocent lives caught in the crossfire of hatred.
We pray to the Lord.

For our parish community (pause):
for loved ones serving in the military;
for those mired in despair;
for those who go unnoticed and forgotten.
We pray to the Lord.

You shower us, O God, with mercy beyond what we deserve.
Help us live your way of forgiveness
that we may accept your invitation to feast
with our brothers and sisters.
God of perfect peace,
hear the cries of this world
and shower us again with your healing love,
for we ask them through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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