A Formation Process for Catechumenate Ministers
Initiation By Immersion is a ten-session process in which participants are immersed in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults to become more effective catechumenate ministers.
In these sessions you will:
- Be grounded in the experience and practice of initiation
- Learn the rites of initiation in all its stages
- Gain pastoral skills
- Practice liturgical catechesis
- Develop planning and preparation strategies
- Enhance presiding skills
- Learn the catechumenate model by experiencing it yourself
At the end of 10 sessions, you will:
- Understand the experience of catechumens and candidates, and
- Be prepared to lead your parish to be an initiating and evangelizing community

Initiation By Immersion Location and Schedule
All sessions are Saturday, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm at
Santa Teresa Church, 794 Calero Avenue, San José.
- October 15, 2005: History and Overview of the RCIA
- November 19, 2005: The Document and Liturgical Principles
- December 10, 2005: The Pre-Catechumenate
- January 7, 2006: The Catechumenate: Conversion
- January 21, 2006: The Catechumenate: Catechesis
- February 25, 2006: The Minor Rites and Presiding Skills
- March 11, 2006: Purification and Enlightenment: Scrutinies
- April 22, 2006: Discernment
- May 20, 2006: Marriage and Special Circumstances
- June 24, 2006: Ministries and Team Building
$350 with monthly installment plan, or $300 if paid or billed in full at time of registration (that's a $50 discount!). Refunds: Full registration fees refunded if OPM is notified by September 30, 2005. For missed sessions, only up to 2 sessions may be refunded. There are no make-up sessions.
Because of the interpersonal nature of this formation process, registration is for all ten sessions. Single-session participants are admitted only by consent of the facilitator. Contact Sandra Pacheco at Pacheco@dsj.org or 408-983-0126 two weeks before to request registration for a particular session.
Registration deadline: September 30, 2005